I had a strange feeling that we would get "the call" while I was away in Seattle last week. We had a referral a year or so ago (way before we were ready or expecting one) while I was traveling on business in Philadelphia. I think much like watching a pot boil...referrals happen when you are looking in the other direction. I tried to focus on work and the trip in hopes that our pot would boil. I did a crossword puzzle that had my first name in it AND the word Russia (Karma?) the restroom attendant at the airport said "pazhAlusta" and "spasiba" (Karma?) I ate at the Russian bakery three times (Karma?) and had a drink called Leninade (Karma?). I thought my stars might be shining in the right direction. At last we didn't get THE call, but we did get
A call. When you are working on your dossier and home study you are in constant contact with your agency. Once this is done and you have sent a check things get quiet during the wait. This is stressful for the type A people. Hearing anything- good news-bad news or a "how do you do?" is always good. It makes you feel a little less like your living in some dark dream floating on a sea looking for a place to land. Anyway, she called to say that my lack of fingerprints has me in less regions and that is what is taking longer. She wanted an update on my fingerprint situation. They spoke to the Mister since I was away and my coordinator is out until tomorrow so I will call tomorrow night to see what she wants me to do. I might do my prints once more to see what happens. If they work (not likely) it will put us in more regions and move things along faster.
I had a dream Saturday night that I had a little blond boy. I was buying him a t-shirt with the
staircase by MC Escher printed on the front. A tiny little t-shirt with all kinds of stairs leading no where and everywhere at the same time. Do you think this means something?
On that note I will leave you with a photo of my cheese and onion roll from Piroshky Piroshky and my Leninade.
Love to you and thanks for listening.