whooooooooooooooooosssssshhhhhhhhhh...that's the sound of me exhaling. I've been holding my breath for so long that my lungs were starting to ache. Mr. N. and I kept the adoption between us for months...and Saturday the words finally came out of my mouth "mom, what would you say if I was to tell you that "J" and I are adopting a baby?" We were walking in the woods in the cold. I was drinking hot chocolate and she was keeping her hands warm with coffee. I was also using all my strength to keep from sobbing. The tears would have frozen to my face. It was the hardest and best thing I've ever shared.
I don't even know how she replied. My ears were ringing and all I heard was the ringing and the wind in the trees. I can say that her reaction was happy. She's happy. She asked a lot of good questions. I like that.
After telling mom it was much easier to share. Sunday we told Mr. N's parents. His mother was beyond delighted. His father...I think he was happy and shocked because he didn't say much. I called our friends D and L and asked L to be a reference. I was happy to tell her that we had good news and that our babies will grow up together. They are such good friends and I am honored that they will share this experience with us. I then called my sister and talked to Mr. N's sister. Everyone has been happy and supportive.
Monday I told the Director and then some staff and friends at the office. Everyone is happy-some have a lot of questions. The most popular questions are "why Russia?" and "what will his/her name be?" Mr. N told another friend today. She will be another reference for us along with Mr. N's mom and L.
I have a lot of people making baby things for us! We love homemade things and we are lucky to have creative friends and family. Mr. N. used his birthday gift certificate to buy paint for the room. We might do some work on it over the holidays. Mostly we have a lot of cleaning and paperwork to do.
Please forgive the rambling. A lot of happy moments have happened since we last posted. Sharing this new joy was a giant leap for us...but only a tiny step on our adoption journey. If you're reading this thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love and support. I'm off to cut a paper heart. :)
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